Why Short Films Are
Rejected from Festivals
and Reasons You Should
Make a Short Before a
You finished your short film and/-it's the perfect calling card. It embodies you as a director: your range of styles, the twists and turns of your scriptwriting
skills, and your ability to create high production value on pennies. In short,
you’ve made it awesome. Unfortunately, the programmers at your favorite film
festival disagree. You cry on your keyboard, eat a roll of raw cookie dough,
and shout "Why?!" to no one in particular. Maybe that's a tad dramatic (or is it?)
but nevertheless, I think everybody can agree that it's frustrating not being
able to find out why your film got chopped. In the videos below, HollyShorts
Film Festival Co-Founder Daniel Sol talks about why shorts might get rejected from a festival, goes into detail about how they program their festival, and
mentions why you might want to make a short before a feature.